export LESS='--tabs=4 --no-init --LONG-PROMPT --ignore-case'
smart-insert-last-word の設定
autoload smart-insert-last-word zle -N insert-last-word smart-insert-last-word zstyle :insert-last-word match \ '*([^[:space:]][[:alpha:]/\\]|[[:alpha:]/\\][^[:space:]])*' bindkey '^]' insert-last-word
さらに zstyle :insert-last-word
, /
, \
% ls /usr/bin L # さっき見たディレクトリに移動したい % cd # ここで ^] を押す % cd /usr/bin # 最後の単語が挿入される。L は出てこない。
詳しくは man zshcontrib
の smart-insert-last-word
一つ前の単語を ' " で囲むキーバインド
とか [
とか含むのを指定するときみたいに、単語を '
# quote previous word in single or double quote autoload -U modify-current-argument _quote-previous-word-in-single() { modify-current-argument '${(qq)${(Q)ARG}}' zle vi-forward-blank-word } zle -N _quote-previous-word-in-single bindkey '^[s' _quote-previous-word-in-single _quote-previous-word-in-double() { modify-current-argument '${(qqq)${(Q)ARG}}' zle vi-forward-blank-word } zle -N _quote-previous-word-in-double bindkey '^[d' _quote-previous-word-in-double
コマンドライン入力中に Meta-s
で、一つ前の単語を '
は Alt+s
または Esc
のあとに s
の代わりに Meta-d
で "
詳しくは man zshcontrib
の modify-current-argument
zstyle ':completion:*:default' menu select=1
これで補完候補を選ぶとき ^F
候補候補を受け付けて一つ下のディレクトリの候補に降りたいときは、 / を押してから TAB でOK。
setopt auto_remove_slash
を指定してたら / が2重になったりしなくていい感じ。
ちょっと便利な global alias
alias -g V='| vim -R -' alias -g U=' --help | head' alias -g P=' --help | less'
% ln # おっと、ln ってリンク名とターゲットとどっちが先だったかな? # そんなときは U で --help の上の方だけを見る % ln U Usage: ln [OPTION]... [-T] TARGET LINK_NAME (1st form) or: ln [OPTION]... TARGET (2nd form) or: ln [OPTION]... TARGET... DIRECTORY (3rd form) or: ln [OPTION]... -t DIRECTORY TARGET... (4th form) # たいてい上の方に Usage がある
zshrc 全体
で、zshrc 全体はこんな感じ。240行ぐらい。
# zshrc umask 022 limit coredumpsize 0 ############################## #environment variables ############################## export LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8 export EDITOR=vim export PAGER=less export LESS='--tabs=4 --no-init --LONG-PROMPT --ignore-case' export GREP_OPTIONS='--color=auto' export MAIL=/var/mail/$USERNAME #export PS4 for bash export PS4='-> $LINENO: ' if [ -d "/usr/share/zsh/help/" ]; then export HELPDIR=/usr/share/zsh/help/ fi #ls color eval $(dircolors -b) #not use bold if which perl >/dev/null 2>&1 ;then LS_COLORS=$(echo $LS_COLORS | perl -pe 's/(?<= [=;] ) 01 (?= [;:] )/00/xg') zstyle ':completion:*' list-colors ${(s.:.)LS_COLORS} fi ############################## #key bind ############################## bindkey -e bindkey '^V' vi-quoted-insert bindkey "^[u" undo bindkey "^[r" redo # not accept-line, but insert newline bindkey '^J' self-insert-unmeta # like insert-last-word, # except that non-words are ignored autoload smart-insert-last-word zle -N insert-last-word smart-insert-last-word # include words that is at least two characters long zstyle :insert-last-word match '*([^[:space:]][[:alpha:]/\\]|[[:alpha:]/\\][^[:space:]])*' bindkey '^]' insert-last-word # like delete-char-or-list, except that list-expand is used function _delete-char-or-list-expand() { if [[ -z "${RBUFFER}" ]]; then # the cursor is at the end of the line zle list-expand else zle delete-char fi } zle -N _delete-char-or-list-expand bindkey '^D' _delete-char-or-list-expand # kill backward one word, # where a word is defined as a series of non-blank characters function _kill-backward-blank-word() { zle set-mark-command zle vi-backward-blank-word zle kill-region } zle -N _kill-backward-blank-word bindkey '^Y' _kill-backward-blank-word # history-search-end: # This implements functions like history-beginning-search-{back,for}ward, # but takes the cursor to the end of the line after moving in the # history, like history-search-{back,for}ward. autoload history-search-end zle -N history-beginning-search-backward-end history-search-end bindkey "^O" history-beginning-search-backward-end # quote previous word in single or double quote autoload -U modify-current-argument _quote-previous-word-in-single() { modify-current-argument '${(qq)${(Q)ARG}}' zle vi-forward-blank-word } zle -N _quote-previous-word-in-single bindkey '^[s' _quote-previous-word-in-single _quote-previous-word-in-double() { modify-current-argument '${(qqq)${(Q)ARG}}' zle vi-forward-blank-word } zle -N _quote-previous-word-in-double bindkey '^[d' _quote-previous-word-in-double ############################## #default configuration ############################## #set PROMPT autoload -U colors colors if [[ -z "${REMOTEHOST}${SSH_CONNECTION}" ]]; then #local shell PROMPT="%U%{${fg[red]}%}[%n@%m]%{${reset_color}%}%u(%j) %~ %# " else #remote shell PROMPT="%U%{${fg[blue]}%}[%n@%m]%{${reset_color}%}%u(%j) %~ %# " fi #history configuration HISTFILE=~/.zsh_history HISTSIZE=1000000 SAVEHIST=1000000 setopt share_history setopt hist_ignore_all_dups setopt hist_save_nodups #remove the history (fc -l) command from the history list setopt hist_no_store setopt hist_ignore_space setopt hist_reduce_blanks #completion autoload -U compinit compinit setopt auto_menu setopt extended_glob #expand argument after = to filename setopt magic_equal_subst setopt print_eight_bit zstyle ':completion:*:default' menu select=1 if [ -d ~/.zsh/cache ]; then zstyle ':completion:*' use-cache yes zstyle ':completion:*' cache-path ~/.zsh/cache fi #cd setopt auto_cd setopt auto_pushd setopt pushd_ignore_dups cdpath=(${HOME} ${HOME}/work) #etc #allow comments in interactive shell setopt interactive_comments setopt rm_star_silent setopt no_prompt_cr #not include / in word characters WORDCHARS='*?_-.[]~=&;!#$%^(){}<>' setopt auto_remove_slash #disable flow control setopt no_flow_control #not exit on EOF setopt ignore_eof #never ever beep ever setopt no_beep ############################## #aliases ############################## #list alias ls='ls -F --color=auto' alias l='ls' alias la='ls -a' alias ll='ls -l' alias ld='ls -d' alias lt='tree -F' #file operation alias rm='rm -i' alias cp='cp -i' alias mv='mv -i' #vi alias vi='vim' alias v='vim' alias vir='vim -R' alias vr='vim -R' alias winvi='vim -c "edit ++fileformat=dos ++enc=cp932"' alias eucvi='vim -c "edit ++enc=euc-jp"' alias gm='gvim' #grep alias grep='grep -E' #history #-n option suppresses command numbers alias history='builtin history 1' alias his='builtin history -n 1' alias h='builtin history -n -10' #enable alias to sudo command argument alias sudo='sudo ' #etc alias c='cd' alias dirs='dirs -p' alias ln='ln -s' alias jb='jobs -l' alias sc=screen alias m='man' alias eman="LANG=C man" alias em="LANG=C man" alias di='diff -u' alias rlocate='locate --regex' #global aliases alias -g L='| less' alias -g H='| head' alias -g T='| tail' alias -g G='| grep' alias -g V='| vim -R -' alias -g U=' --help | head' alias -g P=' --help | less' # cdd if [ -f ~/local/etc/scripts/cdd ]; then source ~/local/etc/scripts/cdd function chpwd() { _reg_pwd_screennum } fi # source local rcfile if [ -f ~/.zshrc_local ]; then source ~/.zshrc_local fi # vim:set ft=zsh: